Mar 30, 2017

Morton's Multitude of Motions Denied by Judge

There certainly is a trend when it comes to Morton and the law: Morton likes to litter the pathway with judicial nonsense in the form of time consuming motions. In the current criminal case against Morton, he filed no fewer than 22 motions challenging the legitimacy of the IRS, claiming the court held no legal authority over him, claiming he was not provided with adequate discovery, claiming the search warrant wasn't legal, and so on.

I've had firsthand experience with Morton in court when he unsuccessfully attempted to sue me for $1,000,000.  Morton even went as far to claim that my defense wasn't legit because the government said UFOs did not exist and thus I had no legal standing that Morton's many claims were a matter of public interest and were proved to be false.  In the end, Morton's motions were tossed out of court for the rubbish they were and he was ordered to immediately pay my $16,000 legal bill.

Just as has happened during Morton's past legal woes, his judicial prowess is about as graceful as
someone skiing uphill backwards with two broken legs.  In spite of piling on the legal jargon with a dizzying array of disjointed and desperate arguments, a judge dismissed all 22 of "legal expert" Morton's motions:

Defendant Sean David Morton has filed numerous motions throughout these proceedings...The court has read and considered each of these motions.  They are utterly devoid of merit and do not bear on the relevant subject matter of the criminal case against Defendants.  Further, Sean Morton has filed motions to either withdraw or strike every motion he has filed, and he indicated a desire to withdraw all of his previously submitted motions during the pretrial conference...Thus, the court DENIES all of the motions listed above without further comment.  --Federal Judge Stephen V. Wilson.

Morton's criminal trial starts April 4th at the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse at 8:30am and is expected to run three to four days.  Morton, along with his co-defendant/wife, Melissa Ann Morton, face a maximum sentence of 650 and 625 years in prison respectively if convicted on all 56 criminal counts they are charged with.  Both have entered pleas of not guilty with Melissa Morton being represented by counsel, and Sean David Morton representing himself.

Read the investigation that exposed The Shameless Psychic and His Prophey of Lies.

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